Sharon Hancock
Hoyland Elementary School
Follow us on Twitter! @Hoyland21stCCLC
Hoyland 21st CCLC Parent Center
Located in room #405 we have a parent center. This parent center has a computer and a phone, parent resources, an area for small children to play and a suggestion box.
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 11am-3pm
I also offer my assistance in guiding you or helping you if you need assistance. Creating a resume, job applications, locating resources, Personal Matters.
I am here for you, so please do not be shy.
Become a Volunteer!
Please use this QR to sign up with the district to become a volunteer
Share Your Feedback!
Your feedback is extremely important to me. I use this information to strengthen the effectiveness of our program, provide resources you may need, change or modify the way we do things in after school.
It helps me know that my staff and myself are doing a great job!
Please use this QR code for any feedback or comments!
Stay In Touch!
It is very important for us to be in communication. The best way for us to stay in contact is through
Class Dojo: CTHCM3X
Policies and Procedures
Accidents/Incidents- In case of illness or injury the parents will be notified immediately. In cases of major emergencies appropriate measures will be take and then you will be notified.
All 21st CCLC Coordinators has a CPR license.
Attendance- Once students are enrolled in the program, the expectation is that they attend every day for the rest of the school year. If a student is out due to an illness, emergency, or personal matter, an excuse note should be provided to the coordinator.
If your child was out the whole day of school for any reason, they will not be allowed to return for the program.
If your child has 3 unexcused absences they will be removed from the program and placed back on the waiting list.
Enrollment in the Project S.A.F.E. program is entirely voluntary. Students are
expected to conduct themselves in a positive manner, by exhibiting the six pillars of Character: respect,
responsibility, caring, citizenship, trustworthiness and fairness and adhering to the CHAMPS behavior system
at all times. Students that exhibit unacceptable behavior will face the consequences outlined in the
Spring ISD Code of Conduct