Gifted & Talented Services


Angelo A. (5th Grade)-The Body System

Minerva M. (4th Grade)-Gravity

Luna L. (3rd Grade)-Garden Design

Ariyana S. (2nd Grade)-Simone Biles: A Biography

Joshua B. (1st)-Dinosaur Habitat

Matthew Z. (5th)-Cultural Kaleidoscope

Kiara L. (4th)-All About Minerals

Alondra R. (5th)-Jupiter

Jayson R. (4th)-Layers of the Atmosphere

Muhammad R. (4th)-The Science of Colors

Grade-Level Alternates

Aariz H. (5th), Danniel C. (4th), Liam O. (3rd), Jayda T. (2nd), Josiah T. (1st)

GT Expo

GT Expo


The mission of the Marshall Elementary Gifted and Talented program is to provide customized instruction and challenging learning experiences for identified gifted students, allowing them to develop their unique abilities and interests through differentiation based on their learning styles, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and advanced academic skills to prepare them for future success in higher education and beyond; the vision is to cultivate a supportive environment where all gifted students within Spring ISD have the opportunity to reach their full potential through rigorous academic experiences tailored to their individual needs. 


1st Grade Teachers

Rose Mcdowell, Makayla Scott, Jasmine Cole, & Daphne Williams

2nd & 3rd Grade Teachers

Shakyna Lull, Deja Thompson, & Naya Rocker

4th Grade Teachers

Beatrice Tristan, Susette Flores, & Diana Delafuente

5th Grade Teachers

Alicia Robinson & Shaniqua Irving