How Are Books Arranged in the Library?
Dewey Decimals for Finding Books
000 Computer Science & General Information
001 UFOs & Big Foot
005 Coding (Scratch, Python, etc.)
030 Encyclopedias & books of facts
032 World records
100 Philosophy & Psychology
130 Ghosts & the paranormal
150 Psychology
158 Self-improvement
170 Ethics, animal rights
180 Eastern philosophy
190 Western philosophy
200 Religion
220 Bible studies
290 Mythology (Greek & Roman myths)
300 Social Sciences
331 Jobs & careers
350 Military (including military vehicles)
378 Colleges, SAT/ACT, etc.
391 Fashion
394 Holidays
398 Fairytales & folklore (Tall Tales)
400 Language
419 Sign language
430 Foreign languages
500 Science
500 Science fair projects & experiments
510 Math
520 Astronomy (stars & planets) — see also 629 SPACE EXPLORATION
530 Physics
540 Chemistry
550 Earth sciences (weather, volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes)
560 Dinosaurs & fossils
580 Plants — see also 635 GARDENING
590 Animals — see also 636 PETS
595 Insects, spiders & worms
597 Lizards & snakes
598 Birds
599 Mammals (lions, tigers, whales, dolphins)
600 Technology
600 Inventions
610 Medicine & health
629 Space exploration (astronauts), cars, trucks, planes, robots.
630 Farming
635 Gardening
636 Pets (dogs, cats, horses, farm animals)
641 Cooking & cookbooks
646 Sewing, clothing, costume design
658 Starting a business (lemonade stands & more)
688.7 Legos
690 Buildings — see also 720 ARCHITECTURE
700 Arts & Recreation
709 Art history
720 Architecture
730 Origami
741.5 Cartoons
743 How to draw
745 Crafts
750 Painting
770 Photography, film & video
780 Music
793 Minecraft
794 Video games
796 Sports (football, baseball, etc.)
800 Literature
811 Poetry
812 Plays
818 Jokes
822 Shakespeare
900 History & Geography
910 Explorers & travel
920 Biographies (may also be in their own BIOGRAPHY section in the library)
930 Ancient history (Greek, Roman, etc.)
940 European history
940.5 World War II
950 Asian history
960 African history
970 US History (also Canada & Mexico), Native American tribes
973.7 US Civil War
980 South American history
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Non-Fiction books are numbered from 000 to 999. Books of interest to you can be found by keeping in mind the number ranges assigned to different topics. Study the chart on this page and test yourself to see if you can match the topics with their respective Dewey Decimal Number ranges.

Librarians need to know to re-shelve books so that they can be found again. Test yourself to see if you have what it takes to re-shelve books.