Learning Link

Learning Link
We are excited to inform you about LearningLink, a partnership between Spring ISD and Houston Public Library (HPL), that provides our students with free, 24/7 access to a wide range of valuable resources to help them succeed academically and in life.
Through LearningLink, all Spring ISD students are automatically enrolled and can use their student ID to access over one million books, e-books, magazines, research materials, and online resources—at home or at any Houston Public Library (HPL) location. This service is completely free, and students are not charged overdue fines, though they are responsible for fees associated with lost books.
Key Benefits of LearningLink:
Free Access to books, research materials, e-books, and online resources
Available 24/7 at home and at all 43 HPL locations (during business hours)
No Overdue Fines—the account is free of charge, with no fees for overdue materials
Free Wi-Fi and computer access at all HPL locations
How to Log In
The Library Card # is 300 + the capitalized first letter of your last name + your student ID number.
The PIN is the two-digit month and two-digit day of the your birth date. Click here for more.
Example for Jane Doe, born July 1, 2005 (Student ID: 1111000)
Library Card #: 300D111000
PIN: 0701
Faculty and Staff:
The Library Card # is 301 + the capitalized first letter of your last name + your employee ID number.
The PIN is the two-digit month and two-digit day of the your birth date. Click here for more.
Example: Your name is Jane Doe, born July 1, 2005 (07/01/2005), Employee ID number 1111000, the login credentials are:
Library Card #: 301D111000
PIN: 0701
We hope that LearningLink helps your child take full advantage of the educational resources available to them. If you have any questions, please reach out to your campus Library Media Specialist.