All transportation changes must be submitted in writing before 2:00 pm. Here are ways in which you can change your child's transportation.

● Write and sign a letter of your request and send it to school with your child to give to their teacher

● Fax your request, along with a copy of your ID to 281-891-8301. Don't forget to verify it was received @ 281-891-8300.

● Come in with a valid ID before 2:00 pm to do a transportation change

● Email your request, along with a copy of your ID to . Title in Subject Line- Transportation Change for Today only or List of Days for transportation change

● If you are unable to do the above, please call for assistance. The individual who assists you will provide an option to email your transportation request, along with your ID before 2:00pm. Remember, this is only an option when you call for assistance and get the individual's name and permission to email the request. Random emails will not be accepted. Our staff is extremely assisting students, staff, and parents in our lobby and it is very difficult for them to check emails on a regular basis. Please, please, please

● Do not send messages to teachers on Remind, Email or Dojo with Transportation changes

● Do not speak with teachers over the phone and request a transportation change

● Do not use profanity, scream at or threaten staff when they are trying to assist TARDIES We have lots of tardies. Students are tardy at 8:06am. So, please have your children at school before 8am so that we they can get a good start to their school day. Students are losing instructional minutes when they arrive late and are often frustrated with having to rush to get their things together or catch up on the warm up. Students can enjoy eating free breakfast in the classroom with their friends from 7:35am - 8am! Join us!


We understand that scholars sometimes have appointments, family emergencies, and extenuating circumstances. However, picking students up from school early hinders student learning. Often, students are missing most if not all of one of their core subjects/classes. All early pick ups will be documented and students who accrue a loss of instructional minutes beyond a half or whole school day may jeopardize their attendance and have to attend detention or summer school to make up lost time.


Students are dismissed at 3:25pm. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up on time. The school pick up line closes at 4pm so sadly the doors automatically lock. It is extremely hard to try to supervise students and assist parents with minimal staff and locked doors. It is also imperative that we allow our staff time to prepare for the next day. Frequent, late pick up will result in a parent or guardian enrolling their child in Koala Kare.