New Transportation Procedures


This year, we will be implement a change to walkers who are picked up on campus in an effort to increase the safety of our students during dismissal. All walkers will leave campus through the exits on the sides of the building and will be escorted to the corners where parents will meet them. All parents should meet their children at the Reynaldo/Banquo stop sign or the Reynaldo/Ludgate stop sign. Parents will not be allowed to pick up walkers from the front porch or pull them from the lines while students are being escorted to the corners. Students must walk off campus to meet parents. It is important that parents who meet their children arrive at the stop signs by 3:15 to ensure that students are not waiting at dismissal time. Please make arrangements to meet your child(ren) at the appropriate location. Parents of walkers cannot park on campus to pick up walkers. If you are on campus in a vehicle to pickup your child, your child must be a car rider. If you would like to make your child(ren) a car rider, you may get a car rider number from the front office. Remember that all transportation changes must be sent to school in writing and can not be made over the phone. In the morning, students should not be dropped off before 7:15 a.m. There is no supervision before this time.

Car Riders

We appreciate your patience while waiting in the car rider line.  In an effort to continue to keep our students safe, we have car rider guidelines.

  • Students who are designated as afternoon car riders must be picked up in the car rider line.

  • There will be a number assigned to each family. The number for that family should be clearly displayed on the front windshield of the car.

  • If you do not have a car rider tag, please come to the front office.

  • Parents need to remain in their car and follow the directions of the staff members on duty as they proceed through the car rider line.

  • Leave ALL entrances to the parking lots and driveways clear so emergency vehicles/cars can enter, if needed.

  • Children may not be removed from the car rider line by anyone who walks up to the

  • If you have a RED number card you will enter at the entrance A (front of the building). If you have a Gray number card you will enter at entrance C (west side of the building.)

Although our car rider line is long, following the procedures in place will keep our children safe and insure that the line moves as quickly and efficiently as possible.  If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.